Living in the UK has been a big history lesson. I’ve seen the pub where Charles Dickens used to write, seen Shakespeare Globe Theatre, seen where Henry VIII lived, a pub called The Mayflower made from original parts of the Mayflower ship (apparently it looks like a ship inside), seen where Harry Potter was filmed (it’s not historic, but really fun), seen jewels from British royalty from 14th century, seen fortified city wall from 10th century where people took refuge. I’ve seen many castles, cathedrals, and tombs which I learned about in college (that Medieval Europe History class has been quite useful)! I’ve seen castles used as forts in battles. I’ve seen city gates from the 11th century. I’ve seen defensive structures made by William the Conqueror. I’ve strolled down roads laid by the Romans. Seen buildings and blocks destroyed by the 1666 London Fire. I saw city ruins from the 4th century. But what are these things now? They are all ruins, gently touched, looked upon by afar, and carefully walked upon tourist attractions.
I’ve seen a distinct theme throughout of the historical sights that I’ve seen: old forts, walls, shelter, and strongholds. What are these things?
A fort- a place of protection or defence; a fortified defensive structure showing strength and power
A wall- refuge safety, a “safe place”, shelter from danger or hardship
Shelter- structure providing protection from danger
Stronghold- a fortified place; a place of security or survival
What are these structures use for now? They are ruins and tourist hot spots. They don’t serve their purpose anymore of security, protection, rescue, comfort, rest, and safety.
All of these manmade structures do not bring about these feelings anymore, just good photo ops. What are these sentiments that were the purpose of these structures?
Rest- peace of mind or spirit, remain at constant state or rest, rest from weariness
Comfort- freedom from danger or risk of harm; to give strength and hope to; to ease the grief or trouble
Safety- free from danger or risk of harm
Rescue- free from harm or evil
Security- state of being free from danger, fear, or anxiety, guarantee that an obligation will be met; the quality or state of being secure.
People throughout the ages have been fleeing pain, danger, discomfort, worry, disappointment; harm, risk, evil, fear, anxiety, and built structures that made them feel safe. Made them feel comfort, rest, and security. Yet everything they built for safety against wars, attackers, and for defence against any harm has turned to dust.
In 2 Samuel 21, David had several wars with the Philistines, actually four (4) descendants of Rapha in Gath fell at the hands of David (2 Samuel 21:22). He knew something about being pursued, about being under attack. He knew what it felt like to be in constant battles and constantly being pursued by the enemy, and yet he was victorious. Was it because he had amazing strategies, or an unstoppable sword, or did he build a spectacular faultless fort? No, this is what David says:
(2 Sam 22:2-3)
“The Lord is my Rock and my Fortress and my Deliverer; My God, my Rock, in whom I take refuge, My Shield and the Horn of my Salvation, my Stronghold and my Refuge; My Saviour. You save me from my violence.”
In view of some of the definitions I have above, I’m going to expound on this verse.
The Lord is my Rock (God was is my (David’s) chief hiding place, where I took my shelter) and my Fortress (in which I was safe and thought myself so) and my Deliverer (struck at, shot at, no matter what), My God (my One True God), my Rock (my Foundation on which I stand), in whom I take refuge (my shelter from danger and oppression) , My Shield (when pursued, He will protect me), and the Horn of my Salvation (strongly protected, frequent emblem of power and strength efficiently exercised), my Stronghold (literally “Tower” or “High Place”, beyond reach of danger), and my Refuge (my One True Safe Place); My Saviour (rescues me out of the hands of those that seek my ruin), You save me from violence (nothing I can try to do will suffice, God alone can save me).”
David was a man who was constantly in the quite near to distress and trouble. He saw that all he needed and could desire in his present distress was His Rock, His Fortress, and David uses this imagery repetitively in the Psalms: (18:2, 31:3 71:3, 91:2, 144:2, 46:1, 46:11, 46:7, 18:10, 9:9, 16:1).
We have safety in God’s protection, security in His strength, gladness in His presence, when times are hard and fearful; He is our only true source of comfort. Even though there is trouble, God’s people can know joy, protection, security, and peace. All these things come from His constant presence with us. People throughout history have yearned for this type of protection, yet we receive it eternally with just trust.
We aim to get to a state of peace and security and we try to attain through different channels to attain that: our job, our friends, our ministry, our car, our appearance, our church, our future being set in stone, our relationships or marriage. Yet as you see in the picture above, all will fade, all will turn to dust and ruin.
No fire, war, worry, life’s obstacles, sickness, or death can separate us from our safety of our Lord (Romans 8:38-39).
Let us draw close to our True Rock that will never break, our Fortress that will never ruin, our Shield that will never fall, our Salvation that can never be shaken, our Refuge in pain and discouragement, and our Saviour who died in Calvary for my sins and rose again so that we could truly experience peace, safety, comfort, shelter, and security.
For His Name Sake!
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