Friday, April 21, 2006


while doing some research, this is somethingi wrote. It's kinda long, not very good either, but just some thoughts of mine..


Is safety an illusion?
A mind state without delusion
A well built building
One of strong steel unyielding
Is it a place of security?
A place with no obscurity
Is it the arms of the one You love
Is it the absence of clouds above?
Is it a person you truly trust?
Is it something you do that you must?

Is safety the comfort of your house?
An absent cat to a mouse
Surrounded by a bunch of friends
An iron rod that doesn’t bend
Being in control of my car
Or having wars that are very far
No destruction through wind or rain
Feeling safe in my personal pain

Is safety the absence of fear?
A load you know you can bear
Is it in the walls I build around me?
Is it the feelings I let no one else see
Safety in the way I’ve always been
Safety in the hidden little sins
Safety in the control I think I possess
Is it in the job I have or way I dress?
Safety in where I am standing now
Even if I don’t know why or how

Is it built upon a firm rock?
Is it just one key to a lock?
Is safety only a fraud?
Or is it kept by the power of God
Do we connect safety with things seen?
On rubbish things in which we can lean

Safety is not a fort around a city
Or being confident that you’re pretty
Safety is truly from the one above
Who formed us in His perfect love?
Safety is the assurance of the cross
Safety in abundance or loss
Safety can be completely relative
Maybe in a way one careless may live

No, I choose to put it elsewhere
I choose to put upon something that can bear
I will put my safety in the Creator of All
Even though we deserve to fall
He picked us up and gave us grace
He stared the devil in the face
He alone is the way to safety
Even if others inevitably hate me

Safety in the Lord of Power
He alone is the Faultless Tower
Security that will never fails
The safety that was shown through nails
The nails of purpose, sacrifice, and pain
How people must’ve thought He was insane
I will always stay safe at His side
I will feel safe when I painfully abide
Lord remind me of my place
Where I belong, yearn for, and face

There are things in this world that make me doubt
Even when I want to be fervent and devout
Make me strong by only Your Hand
Don’t make me sink in the world’s quick sand
Let me hold tightly to Your cord
To hope in the only true love of the Lord

Lord I am your beloved and chosen
You melted the ice when I was frozen

I plan things in my life that are amazing and grand
Yet, Nothing I build can withstand Your hand
There is nothing away from His touch
No love we can feel so much

Let me rest in the only foundation firm
Everything else in the earth will surely burn
Be assured of our place in His heart
Place of safety that won’t ever depart
When I ail, you will be the suture
You are the one, past present and future


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