This is a question that has plagued me as I religiously check all my friend's blogs. Friends in Texas, from college, from overseas, my family, friends from all over... Babies are always a fun thing to blog about because so many memories are missed, so blogs are basically a high-tech scrapbook that you can look back upon and remember. Babies also allow friends and family to constantly check up, without actually bugging the family (which I know is a hidden reason for some of my friends). But me currently, no babies. (except my occasional mood)
Marriage is also a reason people start blogs. They are at a new season in life and usually move and have a lot of newness that they are working through and want to share and rejoice in. Awesome. Great to see what God is doing and how the new adventures in marriage are going. But me currently, no marriage.
And I crack myself up when someone doesn't post for a week or so... I judgingly get annoyed. Why aren't they blogging? Where are the pictures? Where are the antidotes? Entertain me when I'm at work! I wanna stay connected to you. But this connection is very much one-sided. Obviously no one really checks my blog because I never post. It's been almost 3 months and nothing. nada. nilch. nechevo.
I guess I could post some of my pictures. But I post the ones I think are news-worthy on facebook. I keep my status and pictures somewhat updated. But it's not the same.
I have some poetry and recipes (like amazing Lelo) that I could add to the blog. But does that make my life blogworthy?
So, with all of these ramblings. I'm going to try to be a more devoted blogger. My life cracks me up at times (or maybe people just laugh at me) and I can be entertaining at times. I'm going to attempt not to judge when my fav blogs don't post and I'm going to attempt to blog more.
Hello! This is the first post since I added you to my faves :) Know that every time you blog I will be reading it (I will try and let you know with a comment) and that I always want to know what is going on in your weird complex mind, definitely blog worthy!!
Oh, you know I have you on my blogroll! I am so glad to have an update on you...even though you really didn't update. Oh, also, if you ever want to borrow any of my babies to have something to blog about, feel free. I am looking for a little break, anyway.
I was sincerely hoping that I would be the first to comment, but I am kind of glad I wasn't. Now you feel the blog love, and that will motivate you to post again (tomorrow maybe?)
Oh yeah, do you get annoyed that I post almost everyday? Just wondering. I have two posts saved that I haven't even published and about five tumbling through my head.
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