I haven't been sleeping well (I know, shocker!). So this morning when I woke up, I was dreading the day. And everyone knows I'm not a morning person (unless morning starts at 10), so mornings are not the best part of my day. I was contemplating calling in to have a mental health day (because everyone who knows me understands my mental health needs). I decided to be a responsible adult (it happens every once in a while) and I got my lazy butt out of bed and dressed all corporate and got on the road. My commute is anywhere from 30 minutes to 80 minutes (depending on how stupid drivers are being). So.. not so much fun.
I'm driving around DFW airport (my daily route) and all of a sudden I look to my left and see this:

The pictures aren't great because they are from my iphone, but still.. look at that rainbow. It is suppose to rain today, but this gorgeous full (coudln't fit it all in the frame as i'm driving 70 mph) rainbow. Wow! The sign of God's provision and covenant with man! I was completely humbled and in awe of His creation and His provision.
Then a few minutes later, I glance over and see something more:
Again, not the best picture in the world and these pictures don't give it justice, but it's a DOUBLE RAINBOW! Not only does He provide, but He provides abundantly!
Genesis 9:16
"When the bow is in the cloud, then I will look upon it, to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth."
Just my story for the day. Humbled by His Might and Creation! We serve a great Creator.
Thanks Rachel... you really crack me up, I love your mental health philosophy. I wonder what Caleb's boss (my uncle Trainor) would say if he called in and said he had to stay home so I could take a mental health day. God knows I could use it. Or a double rainbow. Love you, sister.
Hi Rach! I love your blog and you because you are so awesome. I love how God displays His greatness to us in such ways.
I miss you!
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