Tuesday, June 26, 2007

DeMotivating is the way I roll...

I always get annoyed when I go to blogs that I read pretty regularly and they haven't had any new posts. It really aggrevates me. Like, come on! Give me some entertainment. Then I realized that I am being a hypocrite. And I don't like being a hypocrite (most of the time at least), so I'm going to start being more regular with my posts. So my apologies that I haven't been more committed and my apologies that you are reading this.

I tend to get really restless at work around the time I get there... but mostly in the afternoon when there are about 2 or 3 hours left and I just want to be outside or punching someone. And my friend found me a great website where you can create your own DeMotivating Posters, like those cheasy posters that have a group of people rowing into the sunrise at dawn with the lake completely still and simultaneous movement of the stupid people then it says perfectly "Teamwork". Whatever. Here are mine! Enjoy! I promise to update my blog more!

1 comment:

ruthie said...

I think all cats should die... so i love this post. Bout friggin time.

Maybe you shoudl link ur cool sisters blog on yours... just a thought booger.